If there is one fruit for whom I share a "love - hate" relationship. It's Strawberries!!
Sometimes they are sour, tangy or get spoilt so easily, no matter how well you store them. Then there are days when its pulpy, sweet and juicy. You slice them, top it on some vanilla ice cream or simply dunk it in freshly whipped cream, to experience foodgasm on your palette.

Although milkshakes do not require a detailed recipe, I mean its one of those really simple things that you can make. Thick shakes are my favourite. Right from my early teens I have always loved the thick milkshake served at Corner House ice cream parlours. Now it's Keventers, not sure why people love it so much - I mean its artificial flavour liquids churned in a blender and served in a branded glass bottle!! I've had it once and never ever tried it again. Blah!!

So the other day when I went to Thom's to pick stuff for home, I also bought some fresh strawberries and really fat figs (if I may call them so). Figs were devoured with freshly whipped cream and a salty caramel sauce, healthy yet oh so indulgent. If you have been following my Insta stories, well Im on a cooking/baking spree. P.S there's more to come - so stay tuned on my social handles and this website peeps!!

One simply needs 2 ingredients to make a milk shake:
Fresh fruit, chopped - 1/2 cup
Whipped cream/Vanilla ice cream - 1 large cup
A wee bit of honey (if you are health conscious and need that sugar rush)
Whip it all up in a blender until you don't notice any large chunks of fruit and you are done.
Chill it for 20mins or so in a refrigerator or just drink up :)

If you want to make a version thats healthier/lower in calories , simply replace the whipped cream with curd/slim milk and increase the fruit content. And once you start making your own smoothies, milkshakes and granita - trust me, you will never go back to the commercial variety ever again.
Cheers !!

**This website and its content are under the copyright of Jyothi Varne (Author) for Flavor Flame Fusion (2017) All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction of the site is strictly prohibited. Any content used needs to be done only after seeking permission of the Author with due Credits.